Got Invited to Microsoft Student Partner Program!

Daniel Kornev
Sep 23, 2005

Earlier this week, this Tuesday, I’ve got an invitation to join Microsoft Student Partner program in Russia.

I’m the 25th Student Partner in Russia!

With this new volunteer role, I’ll get a fantastic chance to spread the word about new Microsoft technologies (e.g., WinFS, Visual Studio Code-Name Whidbey, and many others), actively participate in the user-groups, organize the own one in my university (MIEM). Though the latter could be done even being a MSP.

Super happy!

Originally published at on September 23, 2005.



Daniel Kornev

CEO at Stealth Startup. ex-CPO @ DeepPavlov. Shipped part of Yandex AI Assistant Alice in 2018. Previously worked at Microsoft, Google, and Microsoft Research.